- This method for estimating Vo2 was developed by Silva & Araujo and was validated to have an accuracy of 93% to 95% when compared with direct Vo2 max measurement.
- To estimate VO2 Max using this method, you’ll need access to a stationary bike that measures/displays watts, like a Peloton or similar gym bike.
- By using this test, you agree to the Medical Disclaimer on the homepage.
Step 1 – Generating Watt Progression Number & Table:
- Enter your age, height, weight, gender, and fitness multiplier into the form on this page.
- See below on suggestions for estimating your fitness multiplier number:
- 0.5: if you have exercise limitations
- 1.0: if you’ve been inactive recently
- 1.5: if you exercise moderately a few times a week
- 2.0: if you’re a competitive athlete or if you exercise most days of the week at moderate to high intensity
- The Watt Progression Number is the number of watts added with each subsequent minute of the test. The Watt Progression Table shows the target watt number to target during each minute.
- The goal of generating the Watt Progression Table is to estimate the progressive increase in intensity for you to reach peak exhaustion between 8 and 12 minutes of the test, which adheres to the structure of the Silva Study.
Step 2 – Performing/Completing the Test:
- Warm up on the bike for 5-10 minutes
- Then, start the test. During minute #0 (starting time to 60 seconds), men target 50 watts, women target 25 watts.
- Increase watts each minute according to your Watt Progression Table. To increase your watts, you can either increase your bike’s resistance or pedal faster.
- When you feel you can’t continue at a given pace or when you cannot maintain at least 65 RPM, you have completed the test.
- Take note of your peak watts achieved as you complete the test, and enter your peak watt number in the table on this page to receive your VO2 Max estimate expressed in mL of oxygen consumed per minute per kg of body weight.
- You’ll also receive a percentile rank based on your age and gender.
Reference for the Silva Stationary Bike Method for Estimating Vo2 Max: Souza e Silva CG, Araújo CG. Sex-Specific Equations to Estimate Maximum Oxygen Uptake in Cycle Ergometry. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2015

Reference for Vo2 Demographic Data Table: Mandsager K, Harb S, Cremer P, Phelan D, Nissen SE, Jaber W. Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Long-term Mortality Among Adults Undergoing Exercise Treadmill Testing. JAMA Netw Open. 2018